Oh the banter! Do you enjoy some Glaswegian craic? here are some classic Scottish sayings bound to bring a smile to anyone in the know...
If you're not sure then here's some rough translations.
awa' an' bile yer heid (get lost - go away and boil your head)
gonnae no dae that (stop it now)
pure dead brilliant (exclamation of joy)
yer da' sells avon (derogatory statement about your dad)
ya dancer/belter (you brilliant person)
bawbag/fannybaws (nowadays a term of endearment/dodgy nickname for a friend)
and so on......
the medium stands measure approx 65mm wide by 110mm tall with the mini stands measuring approx 50mm wide by 70mm tall sizes including the wooden base.
if you have a saying you’d like me to make then just get in touch and I’d be happy to help!